Sunday, June 17, 2012

Memories that last longer then a Picture

*Piece Number Six* Yesterday I went to President Seagers house to swim ( I didn't swim) with my Shteez. My Shteez are my group of friends from Youth Committee, they are like my BEST friends, I would do anything for them we are family. Anyways afterwords we went to a stake dance our church throws once a month, sometimes there lame and sometimes there boss! This one was THE BOMB DIGGATY ! The DJ was awesome, he like played music videos that went with the songs and just dance clips it was so fun!! Ofcourse I was dancing my life away because that's what I do haha but I was just standing there thinking "this is what I live for!" Memories like these will last so much longer then a picture. I have soooo much fun with that group of friends leaving them is seriously going to hurt my heart because there a huge part of my life! We hang out all the time and see each other all the time, they are my life!
        When we were at the dance I decided to tell my guy best friend a secret I had been hiding for years, this secret was seriously driving me insane becaus I just needed to get it out ya know? So during a slow dance I told him I had liked him for a long time I just never told him because he's my best friend. It wasn't awkward at all and I was totally thinking it was going to ruin everything but I decided to Y.O.L.O ( you only live once) and tell him. Like I wasn't expecting nothing from it, I wasn't expecting hm to say he liked me too or anything like that. But I just had to tell him so I didn't have to live with the shoulda, coulda, woulda. Even though I was sweating bullets at the time I'm so happy I did it, I feel great. Why hide your feelings like how are you suppose to grow and mold into something amazing if you never take risks or have experiences to grow from!
         So after the dance we went to go get slurpees, nothing special but it's not what you do that makes a lasting memory it's who you do it with. I will always remember this short but amazing slurpee run because I was doing it with the people who matter the most to me! They made the experience worth remembering not the slurpee or the dance. I prayed and prayed for friends like them, and it's not couensadence I they came into my life, they play an important role and have helped shaped me into the person I'm becoming.

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW! I am so glad you told him. What did he say or what was his reaction?
