Today I attended Freshmen orientation with my Best friends Sara and Rachel it was a BLAST! I can't even explain how amazing it was. Getting to the actual building it started in was a little stressful because I couldn't find it and it was making me late but all is well in the end I found it with Five mins to spare ahah! But anyways I went in the Eccles building to check in and right away the admission guy Cj rememberd me! What a great feeling to be rememberd by staff of a college ya know like I just love how personal everyone is.
Once we were all checked in we went to a meeting where we met with our School dean. He was amazing, he talked about somethings that should always be addressed and he didn't sugar coat it, Then we had a man named Baako talk to us! HAHA he was so funny, he kept saying " Remember if you can't remember my name just think of Taco but with a B!" ahah he was a great speaker! Then we also heard from a lady that is the cultural coordinator , she was awesome to letting us know theres a lot of different people at dixie and we should make an effort to know different people. The over all opening session was really nice it was a great way to start the day!
After opening session we were able to split into groups and take a tour of the school, I'm so grateful for that because I needed a tour of the school I've never had one. The best part about the tour was seeing the new library because the funniest thing happened there. So as we were getting a tour of this new section of the school there was this guy checking out books OH MY LANATA HE WAS SO HANDOSME! I like looked at him turned away and then looked at him again real quick because I realized how cute he was! Sara was dying of laughter because she said my face was priceless! Can you blame me? High school boys are way different from what you see walking around college haha so I couldn't help but he shocked! After that we went to lunch the place were we ate was good and thats also the same place you eat with a meal plan so I need to watch out for that freshmen 15 because it's real and active. At lunch it was so funny Rachel and I invited two people to sit with us that were all alone and they both said" Its okay I'm just waiting for my mom/dad." five mins later there parents sat with them ahahah so much for doing something good we just look clueless! But HEY we were trying to do a good deed and who knows maybe someone saw us doing this and decided to pay it forward!
After lunch thats when DIXIE GOT REAL!!! I made my class schedule , making my schedule was so nice because I was able to meet two reps from the nursing program who helped me get my schedule on the right track to apply to that program. I just LOVE my schedule so much I couldn't have asked for a better one. Most of my classes start at 9:00am and end at 3:30 the latest but thats not every day some days I only have two classes that day so that's nice! Im taking two fun classes because I need it so my first fun class that I'm way excited about is on Wed. and its a women's self defense class!!! Isn't that way cool its going to be so much fun! Then theres this class were three days a week I have to work out for 30mins and just record my hours on a computer, they say a lot of people fail this class because they get lazy but I put my in the day and between classes so I'm hoping that will work better and help me keep that freshmen 15 off ! And I only have ONE class on friday whoohoo thats exactly what I wanted! Then I saw the dorms I go into, for a while I've been complaining about them say there the same size as a dog house split into half haha but there not as bad as the website makes them, there actually cute and homie I have a better perspective about them then I did so I will be moving into those August 16th at 8:00am I'm so excited to know who ill be dorming with I pray we get a long or else its going to be a long 4 months.
Once my classes were all set in stone I was able to go to the institute building and sign up for those classes, may I just say that building is stunning I love it there I feel like i will be there ofter. But anyways I signed up for A leadership class and a class about becoming a better you. I will be taking those on tuesday and thursday so I'm way excited for that I need classes like that to be able to get threw the week so I'm way grateful for those. I know this post is long but today was amazing you have no idea, just one more thought and ill be done promise! Lastly today I found out I'm on DIXIE STATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT!!! I couldn't believe I did it, I'm on the social committee and I couldn't be more pumped! Dixie is definitely the school for me, theres so many things to do and so much pride and such a strong bond with everyone on campus I'm so happy I'm joining the storm I know I'm going to be happy there! Here are some pictures from today!

Super cute! I am so happy that you feel at home there. Just enjoy your time and remember you don't get any of it back so just live it up to the fullest. :)