Yesterday I spent the whole day with my best friend Miry Johnson! It was amazing I got to see her graduate then we went to Smash burger her favorite place to eat, it was just nice. But yesterday wasnt all laughs and smiles, it was also tears and frowns. Miry left for BYU early this morning. Giving her a hug and telling her goodbye was so hard words can not express. Don't get me wrong im happy for her im so so happy for her, but she's like BFF my P.I.C my sister not seeing her everyday is going to suck. I know we will talk, text, and skype but I know it wont be every day. I have NO IDEA how im going to survive college with out her, shes's the only person who really understands me like ask anyone we are one in the same. I want her to go to BYU and put herself out there, make friends and be happy but at the same time I don't want her to forget me, I don't want our lifes to move in opposite directions. Miry is one of those friends you want to keep forever. I want the best for her and I hope she does everything that she can in utah and gains every experience she needs. I love her so muh and no matter what happens she will always be my Bestfriend. We are "Friends at first, Friends at last."

Awwww. As we grow up we sometimes tend to grow apart but that doesn't have to always happen. Some people are in your life for a moment or season and others are for a lifetime. No matter what happens with your friendship I know you will forever carry the memories of the time you spent together. BUT I am confident you two will be friend forever. :)