*Piece Number Eight*
So I was sitting her debating if I should blog about an experience I had because it's not college related BUT it did happen when I was in st. george getting ready to go to freshmen orientation. But I guess it can be an experience that I will need in college anyways ill just share the story. So my family and I drove to St.george on Monday to prepare for orientation Tuesday. When we were there my mom got way sick, she was already sick but it got worse. I called my good friend Allen and asked if him and his dad could give my mom a blessing because she's way sick and tomorrow is a very important day. He said of course so we drove to his house.
When we were there Allen started the blessing and then his dad, brother, and brother in law joined in on the blessing. It was the coolest thing I have ever watched. You could totally feel the spirit, that was only Allen's third time giving a blessing and it was amazing. It was just so cool to know my friend was worthy and honoring his priesthood that he could participate in giving my mom a blessing. He acted in a time of need no questions asked, I gained a whole new respect for him. This experience made me want to make sure that I'm worthy at all times that I'm on the right track of being the best me that I can possibly be. When I go to college and I'm ready to start steady dating someone I want them to have those kind of morals, I want them to be worthy at all times and be able to act in a time of need. Who knows maybe some day ill be able to share this experience in institute and it will make some young man in my class want to better himself. This experience also made me think of a Mormon Message I watched called sanctify yourselves. Its about a little league football team who was playing on a rainy day and one little boy got struck by lighting and a young man who was worthy to use his priesthood had to use it right then and there in a time of need its such a good video. Heres the Link its only like 5 mins watch it!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
*Piece Number Seven*
Today I attended Freshmen orientation with my Best friends Sara and Rachel it was a BLAST! I can't even explain how amazing it was. Getting to the actual building it started in was a little stressful because I couldn't find it and it was making me late but all is well in the end I found it with Five mins to spare ahah! But anyways I went in the Eccles building to check in and right away the admission guy Cj rememberd me! What a great feeling to be rememberd by staff of a college ya know like I just love how personal everyone is.
Once we were all checked in we went to a meeting where we met with our School dean. He was amazing, he talked about somethings that should always be addressed and he didn't sugar coat it, Then we had a man named Baako talk to us! HAHA he was so funny, he kept saying " Remember if you can't remember my name just think of Taco but with a B!" ahah he was a great speaker! Then we also heard from a lady that is the cultural coordinator , she was awesome to letting us know theres a lot of different people at dixie and we should make an effort to know different people. The over all opening session was really nice it was a great way to start the day!
After opening session we were able to split into groups and take a tour of the school, I'm so grateful for that because I needed a tour of the school I've never had one. The best part about the tour was seeing the new library because the funniest thing happened there. So as we were getting a tour of this new section of the school there was this guy checking out books OH MY LANATA HE WAS SO HANDOSME! I like looked at him turned away and then looked at him again real quick because I realized how cute he was! Sara was dying of laughter because she said my face was priceless! Can you blame me? High school boys are way different from what you see walking around college haha so I couldn't help but he shocked! After that we went to lunch the place were we ate was good and thats also the same place you eat with a meal plan so I need to watch out for that freshmen 15 because it's real and active. At lunch it was so funny Rachel and I invited two people to sit with us that were all alone and they both said" Its okay I'm just waiting for my mom/dad." five mins later there parents sat with them ahahah so much for doing something good we just look clueless! But HEY we were trying to do a good deed and who knows maybe someone saw us doing this and decided to pay it forward!
After lunch thats when DIXIE GOT REAL!!! I made my class schedule , making my schedule was so nice because I was able to meet two reps from the nursing program who helped me get my schedule on the right track to apply to that program. I just LOVE my schedule so much I couldn't have asked for a better one. Most of my classes start at 9:00am and end at 3:30 the latest but thats not every day some days I only have two classes that day so that's nice! Im taking two fun classes because I need it so my first fun class that I'm way excited about is on Wed. and its a women's self defense class!!! Isn't that way cool its going to be so much fun! Then theres this class were three days a week I have to work out for 30mins and just record my hours on a computer, they say a lot of people fail this class because they get lazy but I put my in the day and between classes so I'm hoping that will work better and help me keep that freshmen 15 off ! And I only have ONE class on friday whoohoo thats exactly what I wanted! Then I saw the dorms I go into, for a while I've been complaining about them say there the same size as a dog house split into half haha but there not as bad as the website makes them, there actually cute and homie I have a better perspective about them then I did so I will be moving into those August 16th at 8:00am I'm so excited to know who ill be dorming with I pray we get a long or else its going to be a long 4 months.
Once my classes were all set in stone I was able to go to the institute building and sign up for those classes, may I just say that building is stunning I love it there I feel like i will be there ofter. But anyways I signed up for A leadership class and a class about becoming a better you. I will be taking those on tuesday and thursday so I'm way excited for that I need classes like that to be able to get threw the week so I'm way grateful for those. I know this post is long but today was amazing you have no idea, just one more thought and ill be done promise! Lastly today I found out I'm on DIXIE STATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT!!! I couldn't believe I did it, I'm on the social committee and I couldn't be more pumped! Dixie is definitely the school for me, theres so many things to do and so much pride and such a strong bond with everyone on campus I'm so happy I'm joining the storm I know I'm going to be happy there! Here are some pictures from today!
These are pictures by the *FOUNTAIN* aha it's a big deal if you know the story behind it, if you don't you should get the 411 because it's pretty juicy!
Today I attended Freshmen orientation with my Best friends Sara and Rachel it was a BLAST! I can't even explain how amazing it was. Getting to the actual building it started in was a little stressful because I couldn't find it and it was making me late but all is well in the end I found it with Five mins to spare ahah! But anyways I went in the Eccles building to check in and right away the admission guy Cj rememberd me! What a great feeling to be rememberd by staff of a college ya know like I just love how personal everyone is.
Once we were all checked in we went to a meeting where we met with our School dean. He was amazing, he talked about somethings that should always be addressed and he didn't sugar coat it, Then we had a man named Baako talk to us! HAHA he was so funny, he kept saying " Remember if you can't remember my name just think of Taco but with a B!" ahah he was a great speaker! Then we also heard from a lady that is the cultural coordinator , she was awesome to letting us know theres a lot of different people at dixie and we should make an effort to know different people. The over all opening session was really nice it was a great way to start the day!
After opening session we were able to split into groups and take a tour of the school, I'm so grateful for that because I needed a tour of the school I've never had one. The best part about the tour was seeing the new library because the funniest thing happened there. So as we were getting a tour of this new section of the school there was this guy checking out books OH MY LANATA HE WAS SO HANDOSME! I like looked at him turned away and then looked at him again real quick because I realized how cute he was! Sara was dying of laughter because she said my face was priceless! Can you blame me? High school boys are way different from what you see walking around college haha so I couldn't help but he shocked! After that we went to lunch the place were we ate was good and thats also the same place you eat with a meal plan so I need to watch out for that freshmen 15 because it's real and active. At lunch it was so funny Rachel and I invited two people to sit with us that were all alone and they both said" Its okay I'm just waiting for my mom/dad." five mins later there parents sat with them ahahah so much for doing something good we just look clueless! But HEY we were trying to do a good deed and who knows maybe someone saw us doing this and decided to pay it forward!
After lunch thats when DIXIE GOT REAL!!! I made my class schedule , making my schedule was so nice because I was able to meet two reps from the nursing program who helped me get my schedule on the right track to apply to that program. I just LOVE my schedule so much I couldn't have asked for a better one. Most of my classes start at 9:00am and end at 3:30 the latest but thats not every day some days I only have two classes that day so that's nice! Im taking two fun classes because I need it so my first fun class that I'm way excited about is on Wed. and its a women's self defense class!!! Isn't that way cool its going to be so much fun! Then theres this class were three days a week I have to work out for 30mins and just record my hours on a computer, they say a lot of people fail this class because they get lazy but I put my in the day and between classes so I'm hoping that will work better and help me keep that freshmen 15 off ! And I only have ONE class on friday whoohoo thats exactly what I wanted! Then I saw the dorms I go into, for a while I've been complaining about them say there the same size as a dog house split into half haha but there not as bad as the website makes them, there actually cute and homie I have a better perspective about them then I did so I will be moving into those August 16th at 8:00am I'm so excited to know who ill be dorming with I pray we get a long or else its going to be a long 4 months.
Once my classes were all set in stone I was able to go to the institute building and sign up for those classes, may I just say that building is stunning I love it there I feel like i will be there ofter. But anyways I signed up for A leadership class and a class about becoming a better you. I will be taking those on tuesday and thursday so I'm way excited for that I need classes like that to be able to get threw the week so I'm way grateful for those. I know this post is long but today was amazing you have no idea, just one more thought and ill be done promise! Lastly today I found out I'm on DIXIE STATE STUDENT GOVERNMENT!!! I couldn't believe I did it, I'm on the social committee and I couldn't be more pumped! Dixie is definitely the school for me, theres so many things to do and so much pride and such a strong bond with everyone on campus I'm so happy I'm joining the storm I know I'm going to be happy there! Here are some pictures from today!

Sunday, June 17, 2012
Memories that last longer then a Picture
*Piece Number Six*
Yesterday I went to President Seagers house to swim ( I didn't swim) with my Shteez. My Shteez are my group of friends from Youth Committee, they are like my BEST friends, I would do anything for them we are family. Anyways afterwords we went to a stake dance our church throws once a month, sometimes there lame and sometimes there boss! This one was THE BOMB DIGGATY ! The DJ was awesome, he like played music videos that went with the songs and just dance clips it was so fun!! Ofcourse I was dancing my life away because that's what I do haha but I was just standing there thinking "this is what I live for!" Memories like these will last so much longer then a picture. I have soooo much fun with that group of friends leaving them is seriously going to hurt my heart because there a huge part of my life! We hang out all the time and see each other all the time, they are my life!
When we were at the dance I decided to tell my guy best friend a secret I had been hiding for years, this secret was seriously driving me insane becaus I just needed to get it out ya know? So during a slow dance I told him I had liked him for a long time I just never told him because he's my best friend. It wasn't awkward at all and I was totally thinking it was going to ruin everything but I decided to Y.O.L.O ( you only live once) and tell him. Like I wasn't expecting nothing from it, I wasn't expecting hm to say he liked me too or anything like that. But I just had to tell him so I didn't have to live with the shoulda, coulda, woulda. Even though I was sweating bullets at the time I'm so happy I did it, I feel great. Why hide your feelings like how are you suppose to grow and mold into something amazing if you never take risks or have experiences to grow from!
So after the dance we went to go get slurpees, nothing special but it's not what you do that makes a lasting memory it's who you do it with. I will always remember this short but amazing slurpee run because I was doing it with the people who matter the most to me! They made the experience worth remembering not the slurpee or the dance. I prayed and prayed for friends like them, and it's not couensadence I they came into my life, they play an important role and have helped shaped me into the person I'm becoming.
When we were at the dance I decided to tell my guy best friend a secret I had been hiding for years, this secret was seriously driving me insane becaus I just needed to get it out ya know? So during a slow dance I told him I had liked him for a long time I just never told him because he's my best friend. It wasn't awkward at all and I was totally thinking it was going to ruin everything but I decided to Y.O.L.O ( you only live once) and tell him. Like I wasn't expecting nothing from it, I wasn't expecting hm to say he liked me too or anything like that. But I just had to tell him so I didn't have to live with the shoulda, coulda, woulda. Even though I was sweating bullets at the time I'm so happy I did it, I feel great. Why hide your feelings like how are you suppose to grow and mold into something amazing if you never take risks or have experiences to grow from!
So after the dance we went to go get slurpees, nothing special but it's not what you do that makes a lasting memory it's who you do it with. I will always remember this short but amazing slurpee run because I was doing it with the people who matter the most to me! They made the experience worth remembering not the slurpee or the dance. I prayed and prayed for friends like them, and it's not couensadence I they came into my life, they play an important role and have helped shaped me into the person I'm becoming.
What matters the most
*Piece Number Five*
I'm so sorry I've been M.I.A the past couple days my computer has been acting doofy! Any who Friday night my aunt Monica and cousin Jazzy took me to dinner at Bahama Breez, it was so fun! It was so nice to be with them, I haven't seen either of them in what seems like ages! I love being with them, there so fun and chill its a nice change. I LOVE being around my aunt Monica! She is one of the best people to talk to about anything! Secretly I'm really stressed about college (the money and preparation aspect) and I felt like I didn't have anyone to just listen to what I had to say, all I want is for once is to voice my opinions, my concers and she let me do that. I got it ALL out, the best part is not once did she interrupt me. At the end she gave me some very good advice, that's another amazing thing about her she doesn't water anything down because I'm not a child she tells me what I NEEd to hear not what I WANT to hear, I respect her so much for that. That's what matters the most, having a Monica.
We started to talk about my grandma and how her feelings are hurt because no one is evolving her in my college life. I felt SO bad because I honestly had no idea, I've just been so stressed and working my life away that I'm missing what matters the most! My grandma is simply amazing she is so loving and giving and there's no set of words to express how much she loves me! I owe her a big apologie because I'm totally taking her for granted. Im so caught up in my own problems I'm missing out on opportunities to bond with her and that's what matters the most.
I'm so sorry I've been M.I.A the past couple days my computer has been acting doofy! Any who Friday night my aunt Monica and cousin Jazzy took me to dinner at Bahama Breez, it was so fun! It was so nice to be with them, I haven't seen either of them in what seems like ages! I love being with them, there so fun and chill its a nice change. I LOVE being around my aunt Monica! She is one of the best people to talk to about anything! Secretly I'm really stressed about college (the money and preparation aspect) and I felt like I didn't have anyone to just listen to what I had to say, all I want is for once is to voice my opinions, my concers and she let me do that. I got it ALL out, the best part is not once did she interrupt me. At the end she gave me some very good advice, that's another amazing thing about her she doesn't water anything down because I'm not a child she tells me what I NEEd to hear not what I WANT to hear, I respect her so much for that. That's what matters the most, having a Monica.
We started to talk about my grandma and how her feelings are hurt because no one is evolving her in my college life. I felt SO bad because I honestly had no idea, I've just been so stressed and working my life away that I'm missing what matters the most! My grandma is simply amazing she is so loving and giving and there's no set of words to express how much she loves me! I owe her a big apologie because I'm totally taking her for granted. Im so caught up in my own problems I'm missing out on opportunities to bond with her and that's what matters the most.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
"Friends at first, Friends at last."
*Piece Number Four*
Yesterday I spent the whole day with my best friend Miry Johnson! It was amazing I got to see her graduate then we went to Smash burger her favorite place to eat, it was just nice. But yesterday wasnt all laughs and smiles, it was also tears and frowns. Miry left for BYU early this morning. Giving her a hug and telling her goodbye was so hard words can not express. Don't get me wrong im happy for her im so so happy for her, but she's like BFF my P.I.C my sister not seeing her everyday is going to suck. I know we will talk, text, and skype but I know it wont be every day. I have NO IDEA how im going to survive college with out her, shes's the only person who really understands me like ask anyone we are one in the same. I want her to go to BYU and put herself out there, make friends and be happy but at the same time I don't want her to forget me, I don't want our lifes to move in opposite directions. Miry is one of those friends you want to keep forever. I want the best for her and I hope she does everything that she can in utah and gains every experience she needs. I love her so muh and no matter what happens she will always be my Bestfriend. We are "Friends at first, Friends at last."

Yesterday I spent the whole day with my best friend Miry Johnson! It was amazing I got to see her graduate then we went to Smash burger her favorite place to eat, it was just nice. But yesterday wasnt all laughs and smiles, it was also tears and frowns. Miry left for BYU early this morning. Giving her a hug and telling her goodbye was so hard words can not express. Don't get me wrong im happy for her im so so happy for her, but she's like BFF my P.I.C my sister not seeing her everyday is going to suck. I know we will talk, text, and skype but I know it wont be every day. I have NO IDEA how im going to survive college with out her, shes's the only person who really understands me like ask anyone we are one in the same. I want her to go to BYU and put herself out there, make friends and be happy but at the same time I don't want her to forget me, I don't want our lifes to move in opposite directions. Miry is one of those friends you want to keep forever. I want the best for her and I hope she does everything that she can in utah and gains every experience she needs. I love her so muh and no matter what happens she will always be my Bestfriend. We are "Friends at first, Friends at last."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Class of 2012 WE DID IT!
*Piece Number Three*
Yesterday I graduated and I can't believe with in a blink of an eye it's over, i'm officially out of high school. Where has the time gone? I have no idea where the time has gone. This has been such a blessed journey, I know I wouldn't have gotten this far with out my friends and family. Your unconditional support has made this journey a blessing instead of a burden. I also know I wouldn't have gotten this far with out my Savior Jesus Christ he has rained blessings on me! With him all my prayers have been answered, all my goals have been accomplished, and I am NEVER forgotten. This is the time when I need to start preparing to leave for college. I know I will be fine at times when I feel lost I have to remember I am a beautiful daughter of God and that is greater then popularity and all the money in the world. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along this journey your simply amazing and I can never express how blessed I am and thank you to everyone who is helping me start this next chapter in my life. The role you play means the world.
Yesterday I graduated and I can't believe with in a blink of an eye it's over, i'm officially out of high school. Where has the time gone? I have no idea where the time has gone. This has been such a blessed journey, I know I wouldn't have gotten this far with out my friends and family. Your unconditional support has made this journey a blessing instead of a burden. I also know I wouldn't have gotten this far with out my Savior Jesus Christ he has rained blessings on me! With him all my prayers have been answered, all my goals have been accomplished, and I am NEVER forgotten. This is the time when I need to start preparing to leave for college. I know I will be fine at times when I feel lost I have to remember I am a beautiful daughter of God and that is greater then popularity and all the money in the world. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along this journey your simply amazing and I can never express how blessed I am and thank you to everyone who is helping me start this next chapter in my life. The role you play means the world.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Rewind,Pause, FastForward
*Piece Number Two*
Preparing for college is so stressful. Theres so much to think about and the number one thing is Money, Money, Money! I have thousands of dollars due by Aug.20th and I'm so stressed about it. Today probably was the icing on the cake for stress. I finished my FASFA a long time ago (government money) and I thought I was ahead, I thought I would have first dibbs on Dixie money and all would be well. Yeah guess what I thought wrong! My mom was hounding me non stop yesterday about my FASFA because we haven't heard anything from them in a while, so early this morning I decided to give them a call. It was a total blessing I did because turns out I filled out my FASFA saying I'm married, I have five kids, and four of them are going to college with me! ISNT THAT NUTTS! So right away I had to go into my FASFA refill it out and resend it but it's so late in the game I don't know if i'll get any loans or anything at all.
For those of you going to college or are thinking about it do not put off your FASFA it's super important, it pretty much determines everything in college. Have it checked three times so you don't make the same mistake I did and feel like a complete bone head! I never knew how stressful getting ready for college was. I have so much I have to do with in 45 days. I have to buy stuff for my dorm, sign up for classes, buy books, pay for my tuition,classes,dorm,and meal plan. It's all just so much. At times like this i wish money did grown on trees I would keep my nice and healthy haha. I have always known I wanted to go to college but I just wish I was more prepared emotionally. Preparing for college is more then just getting good grades, it's being smart with money, it's being mature enough to start a new chapter in your life. It's being able to gain that INDEPENDENCE you've begged to have. Well now with a blink of an eye my independence is here theres no rewinding pausing or pressing fast forward. It's here waiting for me to take it full on This is the cross road in my life when I have to actually start making choices on my own and doing whats best for me.
I know that threw all the stress, the random break downs and cry sessions I will be able to make it in college, Because I have the best support system in the world! My family and friends are simply amazing, I know with out them this journey would be more of a burden then a blessing. For anyone who's reading this and preparing for college or a megga change in your life all I can say is don't ever give up on something you really want. Even though I'm having trails galore this is a tremendous blessing and I wouldn't give it up for something easier. I will live every moment of college to the fullest, every up and every down because it's struggles like this that shape you into the person you want to become. Take everything as learning opportunity because it is, who knows maybe someone will need my help with there FASFA and because of all the jumbled mess I went threw I will have the experience and knowledge to help them. So take in the good and bad, Never Rewind, Pause or FastFoward someone might need that split second of your time.
Preparing for college is so stressful. Theres so much to think about and the number one thing is Money, Money, Money! I have thousands of dollars due by Aug.20th and I'm so stressed about it. Today probably was the icing on the cake for stress. I finished my FASFA a long time ago (government money) and I thought I was ahead, I thought I would have first dibbs on Dixie money and all would be well. Yeah guess what I thought wrong! My mom was hounding me non stop yesterday about my FASFA because we haven't heard anything from them in a while, so early this morning I decided to give them a call. It was a total blessing I did because turns out I filled out my FASFA saying I'm married, I have five kids, and four of them are going to college with me! ISNT THAT NUTTS! So right away I had to go into my FASFA refill it out and resend it but it's so late in the game I don't know if i'll get any loans or anything at all.
For those of you going to college or are thinking about it do not put off your FASFA it's super important, it pretty much determines everything in college. Have it checked three times so you don't make the same mistake I did and feel like a complete bone head! I never knew how stressful getting ready for college was. I have so much I have to do with in 45 days. I have to buy stuff for my dorm, sign up for classes, buy books, pay for my tuition,classes,dorm,and meal plan. It's all just so much. At times like this i wish money did grown on trees I would keep my nice and healthy haha. I have always known I wanted to go to college but I just wish I was more prepared emotionally. Preparing for college is more then just getting good grades, it's being smart with money, it's being mature enough to start a new chapter in your life. It's being able to gain that INDEPENDENCE you've begged to have. Well now with a blink of an eye my independence is here theres no rewinding pausing or pressing fast forward. It's here waiting for me to take it full on This is the cross road in my life when I have to actually start making choices on my own and doing whats best for me.
I know that threw all the stress, the random break downs and cry sessions I will be able to make it in college, Because I have the best support system in the world! My family and friends are simply amazing, I know with out them this journey would be more of a burden then a blessing. For anyone who's reading this and preparing for college or a megga change in your life all I can say is don't ever give up on something you really want. Even though I'm having trails galore this is a tremendous blessing and I wouldn't give it up for something easier. I will live every moment of college to the fullest, every up and every down because it's struggles like this that shape you into the person you want to become. Take everything as learning opportunity because it is, who knows maybe someone will need my help with there FASFA and because of all the jumbled mess I went threw I will have the experience and knowledge to help them. So take in the good and bad, Never Rewind, Pause or FastFoward someone might need that split second of your time.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Acceptance of the Acceptance
(For whoever is reading this I hope you find something in anything I post that can help you. My blog is going to be about my experience getting ready for college and my experience there.)
*Piece Number One* Any who my whole life I knew BYU was the college for me, I wanted nothing more then to attend that school. It would just be perfect I am A member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-saints so I knew that school would be the perfect fit. I worked my butt off in school making sure I had the GPA to go and everything else you need. As I completed the long application to BYU provo and Idaho I had a bundle of mixed feelings. What if I don't get in? Where will I go? What will my family and friends think? I would be absolutely heart broken, so not getting in was not an option.
I waited what felt like FOREVER to know if I had been accepted into the school of my dreams. My best friend Miry called me and was screaming " I GOT INTO BYU I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" I was so happy for her but then a dark cloud of fear came over me I started to feel sick worried that I did not get in. I couldn't find the courage to go check so I waited a wapping three weeks to check. When I finally decided to my hands were so clammy my heart was pounding out of my chest as I clicked the tab Check my Status. First I opened my letter from BYU provo as I started to read it tears quickly filled my eyes when I saw a sentence I would never forget. Kendall BYU is sorry to announce you will not be attending our school in the summer or fall. I felt lower then lower, I felt as worthless as a white crayon and that's pretty worthless. I was so upset I didn't even want to check BYU Idaho's letter but I did. I started to read there letter and it said those same sickening words.
I honestly had so many feelings there isn't enough paper to write it all. I cried and cried and cried for two weeks! Yes two weeks! When I say BYU was/is my dream school I mean it. A huge bundle of my friends got into BYU, people who didn't want to go or didn't deserve to go got in, so I had no idea why I couldn't get it. I was embarrassed and ashamed when everyone at church asked me if I got in and I had to say " No but that's okay ( with a fake smile)" When my friends and family asked me it was even worse. I felt so dumb that I didn't get in. I prayed to know why I didn't get it, I prayed for comfort, I prayed for some answer of what I could do now that I felt like my life was over.
A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail from Dixie State College. It said I was accepted into the fall term. I couldn't feel anything because it was not where I wanted to go. I told my family, friends, and people from my ward. Everyone thought it was just great, but there was a problem I didn't think it was great at all. I prayed asking is this where I'm suppose to be? Please let me feel comfort that I will be okay here and this is where you want me to go. I got my answer this time, I felt great I felt like I needed to be at Dixie. I have no idea why and I may not ever know but I do know July 23rd my life will change. I do know I will not be alone because two of my child hood friends will be attending Dixie as well and we are even rooming in the same hall. I do know that at the end of every dark tunnel is a light to guide you out. I am so excited for Dixie and all the great things it has to bring, Im so blessed to even be attending college. I have come to realize my life is not over and I have purpose at Dixie. I have accepted the acceptance.
Life has many trials what counts is how you handle those trials to grow has a person, I have come to accept I am ready to turn the page.
*Piece Number One* Any who my whole life I knew BYU was the college for me, I wanted nothing more then to attend that school. It would just be perfect I am A member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day-saints so I knew that school would be the perfect fit. I worked my butt off in school making sure I had the GPA to go and everything else you need. As I completed the long application to BYU provo and Idaho I had a bundle of mixed feelings. What if I don't get in? Where will I go? What will my family and friends think? I would be absolutely heart broken, so not getting in was not an option.
I waited what felt like FOREVER to know if I had been accepted into the school of my dreams. My best friend Miry called me and was screaming " I GOT INTO BYU I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!" I was so happy for her but then a dark cloud of fear came over me I started to feel sick worried that I did not get in. I couldn't find the courage to go check so I waited a wapping three weeks to check. When I finally decided to my hands were so clammy my heart was pounding out of my chest as I clicked the tab Check my Status. First I opened my letter from BYU provo as I started to read it tears quickly filled my eyes when I saw a sentence I would never forget. Kendall BYU is sorry to announce you will not be attending our school in the summer or fall. I felt lower then lower, I felt as worthless as a white crayon and that's pretty worthless. I was so upset I didn't even want to check BYU Idaho's letter but I did. I started to read there letter and it said those same sickening words.
I honestly had so many feelings there isn't enough paper to write it all. I cried and cried and cried for two weeks! Yes two weeks! When I say BYU was/is my dream school I mean it. A huge bundle of my friends got into BYU, people who didn't want to go or didn't deserve to go got in, so I had no idea why I couldn't get it. I was embarrassed and ashamed when everyone at church asked me if I got in and I had to say " No but that's okay ( with a fake smile)" When my friends and family asked me it was even worse. I felt so dumb that I didn't get in. I prayed to know why I didn't get it, I prayed for comfort, I prayed for some answer of what I could do now that I felt like my life was over.
A few weeks later I received a letter in the mail from Dixie State College. It said I was accepted into the fall term. I couldn't feel anything because it was not where I wanted to go. I told my family, friends, and people from my ward. Everyone thought it was just great, but there was a problem I didn't think it was great at all. I prayed asking is this where I'm suppose to be? Please let me feel comfort that I will be okay here and this is where you want me to go. I got my answer this time, I felt great I felt like I needed to be at Dixie. I have no idea why and I may not ever know but I do know July 23rd my life will change. I do know I will not be alone because two of my child hood friends will be attending Dixie as well and we are even rooming in the same hall. I do know that at the end of every dark tunnel is a light to guide you out. I am so excited for Dixie and all the great things it has to bring, Im so blessed to even be attending college. I have come to realize my life is not over and I have purpose at Dixie. I have accepted the acceptance.
Life has many trials what counts is how you handle those trials to grow has a person, I have come to accept I am ready to turn the page.
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