*Piece Number Eighteen*
I can't believe that I survived my first week of college and my second! It's hard but not as hard as I thought it would be! One thing I do not like is my teachers are such harsh graders! For example, I wrote this way good paragraph for my PSY homework and my teacher gave me a 7 out of 10, that's total crap because i deserved at least a 9 or 8 not a 7. But whatever it's only one assignment so I just gotta move forward and do better on the next one. Surprisingly im doing very well in finding my balance in playing hard and working hard. I seriously love Dixie so much I love everything about it actually the only thing I don't love is when it rains it rains at random times and it does not rain it pours haha! But other then that things seem to be moving pretty smooth. My roommate and I, I don't really know what to say on that subject. I invite her to everything I do and she always turns me down. She has made it clear she does not want to hand out with me and that's fine I guess. She comes I go, I come she goes and that's just how it is. But I have been truly blessed to be at Dixie and experience the college life!
I am glad you are doing well. It will only get easier as you gain experience. Sorry you have a crappy room mate but your handling it well. :)