*Piece Number Nineteen*
So today has been amazing! Elder Jeffery R. Holland and Dieter F. Uchtdorf came to Dixie to dedicate the Jeffery Holland Common Building and it was so amazing. Jeffery Holland gave the best talk ever he was just saying this building isn't to praise him but to remember it's for the common students who don't have much but hope in there heart. They have common life's, with common grades, common class families. A student who's common but dedicated. It was just so nice it was so spiritual. After words we all rushed to the building we ran over to the building that was being dedicated. Uchtdor was saying the prayer then after words we all said high. I got to HUG him it was amazing I asked to take a picture with him and sadly he said no because there was no time, Then I saw Holland and his wife I shook there hands and also asked if I could take a picture but sadly he also said No as well because too many people have asked and there wasn't enough time. I was feeling bummed that I had no picture but I was also feeling so over whelmed to have the opportunity to even see then to even shake there hands to even be in there presence of Apostles of my church!
We decided we got our fair share of seeing them so we decided to go to lunch. As I was horcking down my food I saw in the corner of my eye Jeffery R holland and his wife outside in front of the building not with a huge crowd. I stopped eating jumped up and ran outside. I was soooo nervous to ask for a picture again so I made my friend Andy ask for me and guess what He said YES! It was so amazing Me at 18 years old I got to hug an apostle! What a great great great day!
When the Pieces start to Fit
Friday, September 7, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
One and Done
*Piece Number Eighteen*
I can't believe that I survived my first week of college and my second! It's hard but not as hard as I thought it would be! One thing I do not like is my teachers are such harsh graders! For example, I wrote this way good paragraph for my PSY homework and my teacher gave me a 7 out of 10, that's total crap because i deserved at least a 9 or 8 not a 7. But whatever it's only one assignment so I just gotta move forward and do better on the next one. Surprisingly im doing very well in finding my balance in playing hard and working hard. I seriously love Dixie so much I love everything about it actually the only thing I don't love is when it rains it rains at random times and it does not rain it pours haha! But other then that things seem to be moving pretty smooth. My roommate and I, I don't really know what to say on that subject. I invite her to everything I do and she always turns me down. She has made it clear she does not want to hand out with me and that's fine I guess. She comes I go, I come she goes and that's just how it is. But I have been truly blessed to be at Dixie and experience the college life!
I can't believe that I survived my first week of college and my second! It's hard but not as hard as I thought it would be! One thing I do not like is my teachers are such harsh graders! For example, I wrote this way good paragraph for my PSY homework and my teacher gave me a 7 out of 10, that's total crap because i deserved at least a 9 or 8 not a 7. But whatever it's only one assignment so I just gotta move forward and do better on the next one. Surprisingly im doing very well in finding my balance in playing hard and working hard. I seriously love Dixie so much I love everything about it actually the only thing I don't love is when it rains it rains at random times and it does not rain it pours haha! But other then that things seem to be moving pretty smooth. My roommate and I, I don't really know what to say on that subject. I invite her to everything I do and she always turns me down. She has made it clear she does not want to hand out with me and that's fine I guess. She comes I go, I come she goes and that's just how it is. But I have been truly blessed to be at Dixie and experience the college life!
Bloomington YSA 1st Ward!
*Piece Number Seventeen*
Sorry I don't have many new pictures from my singles ward yet but I promise I will get some this week!
But I am in the Bloomington YSA 1st Ward and I love it! My ward is so huge it had to be split and everyone is just so dang nice! I love my Bishop he is way cool he always remembers my name because his oldest daughters name is Kendall. The first picture is a picture of his HOUSE its freaking huge! He had a pool party for FHE not only does he have One pool But he has TWO! and if you look closely that green thing is WATER SLIDE a legit water slide It wraps around his trees and down into the pool its freaking insane! The lower bottom picture is a game night that was held, it was fun as you can see from the picture theres like 4 or 5 twister mats taped together to make one big one, that was a lot of fun my ward always does fun mixers I love it!
2,500 People
*Piece Number Sixteen*
I have no idea how to start this post because there is not one single word that could describe to you guys the amount of fun I had at this dance!!! This was the Dixie State College Foam dance! Yes I said it FOAM dance. This was the Best dance Thrown by a school that I have ever been to so far! There were 2,500 PEOPLE at this dance. People come from UNR, SUU all over just for this dance. The Dj was so on point it was insane he did not play one crappy song not one! I danced for 3 hours straight. I was sooooo exhausted after this dance but every moment was worth it! Dancing in foam was such a cool experience, I cant wait until next year just so I can do this dance again!
W.O.W week
*Piece Number Fifteen*
This was at the carnival last week during WOW week. It was such a blast! It's just a carnival that anyone is welcomed to its way fun everything is free and theres lost's to do.
In this picture: Katie, Kelsey, Rachel, and Ashley.
This was at the carnival last week during WOW week. It was such a blast! It's just a carnival that anyone is welcomed to its way fun everything is free and theres lost's to do.
In this picture: Katie, Kelsey, Rachel, and Ashley.
Okay so Kelsey, Rachel, And I are doing this thing where once a week we are picking a new friend someone random or someone from our ward and heart attacking there door! Heart attacking: when you cut out a bunch of hearts write cute sayings insiders or whatever on them and then you go tape them to someones door knock and run away! Hahah it's seriously a blast like it's such a rush i love it! We have done way more then two but i don't have those pictures up yet.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
A little of this and a little of that
*Piece Number Fourteen*
This is a picture of Me, Ashley, Kelsey,Rachel, Katie, and Sara! We went to this drink place called Swig, its sooooooooo good like they have the best sugar cookies and the best drinks! When I go I get Dr. Pepper with coconut aka dirty Dr.Pepper. We went there after doing dorm storms. Dorm Storm: When student government goes to the off campus living and keeps them informed about all the events that are going on at dixie!

This Is a picture of Kelsey,Rachel, and I at freshmen Friday! We defs looked so saucy, that was such a good day. That night we had a splash party were we go to play in the fountain and there was a huge slip and slide and free food it was way fun!

There are pictures of us on Friday night! We kinda just made our own fun that night, we were just hanging out and decided we needed to marry the night haha and get out the dorm. So we decided to go to Target, and the Dollar Tree and only spend one dollar on a cool item at each store because you know we are ballin on a budget haha it was way fun. Then at Midnight we picked up Hunger Games for jill and watched it!
Meet Tanner Forbes! He is one of the coolest guys I know. I seriously love him he is sooo funny and so fun! He is also way talented, he can sing and act and play piano. He's 16 SO he can date ladies ;) hahah! We stopped by his house to pick up a book rachel needed for school luckily shay (tanners bother on a mission) had one for her so we were able to see Tanner that was so nice!

There are pictures from THE BEST NIGHT I EVER HAD AT DIXIE SO FAR! We party Hardy for the back to school costume party! It was sooooo much fun we all dressed up at jocks with our D crew shirts and a couple people like ashley, her friend, and katie were nerds it was seriously one of the best parties I have EVER been to!
This is a picture of Me, Ashley, Kelsey,Rachel, Katie, and Sara! We went to this drink place called Swig, its sooooooooo good like they have the best sugar cookies and the best drinks! When I go I get Dr. Pepper with coconut aka dirty Dr.Pepper. We went there after doing dorm storms. Dorm Storm: When student government goes to the off campus living and keeps them informed about all the events that are going on at dixie!

This Is a picture of Kelsey,Rachel, and I at freshmen Friday! We defs looked so saucy, that was such a good day. That night we had a splash party were we go to play in the fountain and there was a huge slip and slide and free food it was way fun!

There are pictures of us on Friday night! We kinda just made our own fun that night, we were just hanging out and decided we needed to marry the night haha and get out the dorm. So we decided to go to Target, and the Dollar Tree and only spend one dollar on a cool item at each store because you know we are ballin on a budget haha it was way fun. Then at Midnight we picked up Hunger Games for jill and watched it!
Meet Tanner Forbes! He is one of the coolest guys I know. I seriously love him he is sooo funny and so fun! He is also way talented, he can sing and act and play piano. He's 16 SO he can date ladies ;) hahah! We stopped by his house to pick up a book rachel needed for school luckily shay (tanners bother on a mission) had one for her so we were able to see Tanner that was so nice!

There are pictures from THE BEST NIGHT I EVER HAD AT DIXIE SO FAR! We party Hardy for the back to school costume party! It was sooooo much fun we all dressed up at jocks with our D crew shirts and a couple people like ashley, her friend, and katie were nerds it was seriously one of the best parties I have EVER been to!
Friday, August 17, 2012
7 hours and 5mins
*Piece Number Thirteen*
Hey guys!!! I know what your thinking " This blog is for college and you have not even posted!" I AM SO SORRY I have been soooooo busy! I moved into my dorm on tuesday two days early and that was so crazy and busy. Then the next day I had my Student Government retreat up in Pine Valley that was so crazy fun and long! Then thursday was the actual move in day for everyone, so it was just madness. I got to meet my roommate and my mom and sister kennedy came to visit me and make sure my dorm was perfect. We went out to lunch went to this way good drink/treats place called Swig all the college students go there the line for it is always crazy. I FINALLY got everything settled with my financial aide! THANK THE HEAVENS!! I can finally just relax because things are starting to fall right into place! Then today aka Friday is Freshmen Friday, it started at 10:30am and now its 3:05pm and I finally have a free moment. I have been having so much fun because of student government I know so many people and I have friends outside of my mains. Later on this afternoon is the splash party its when all the dixie students get together and play in the fountain, do slip and slide, and free food its amazing! Everyone is so nice its way weird everyone says hi and gets to know you its so nice being in a place where everyone wants to be there. HAHAH talk about major mormon problems yesterday this guy in student government was having a crepe party, when i say crepe i mean crepe its not a code word its really crepes haha and when we went it got shut down by the cops HAHAH can you believe?! They said we were being to loud so they had to shut us down no warning or anything we were not doing anything bad hahah what an experience! I so exhausted all I have gotten is 7 hours and 5 mins of sleep for a total of 4 days hahah! Today i also joined this thing called D-crew and its when a group of students sit together at all the sporting events and we get all spirited out and hype everyone up its awesome. At first I was so bummed about not going to BYU but now i know im suppose to be here at DIXIE i just love it! I have so much to tell you guys but i actually have to go but i promise when i can update i will and pictures are coming soon! Bye guys!
Hey guys!!! I know what your thinking " This blog is for college and you have not even posted!" I AM SO SORRY I have been soooooo busy! I moved into my dorm on tuesday two days early and that was so crazy and busy. Then the next day I had my Student Government retreat up in Pine Valley that was so crazy fun and long! Then thursday was the actual move in day for everyone, so it was just madness. I got to meet my roommate and my mom and sister kennedy came to visit me and make sure my dorm was perfect. We went out to lunch went to this way good drink/treats place called Swig all the college students go there the line for it is always crazy. I FINALLY got everything settled with my financial aide! THANK THE HEAVENS!! I can finally just relax because things are starting to fall right into place! Then today aka Friday is Freshmen Friday, it started at 10:30am and now its 3:05pm and I finally have a free moment. I have been having so much fun because of student government I know so many people and I have friends outside of my mains. Later on this afternoon is the splash party its when all the dixie students get together and play in the fountain, do slip and slide, and free food its amazing! Everyone is so nice its way weird everyone says hi and gets to know you its so nice being in a place where everyone wants to be there. HAHAH talk about major mormon problems yesterday this guy in student government was having a crepe party, when i say crepe i mean crepe its not a code word its really crepes haha and when we went it got shut down by the cops HAHAH can you believe?! They said we were being to loud so they had to shut us down no warning or anything we were not doing anything bad hahah what an experience! I so exhausted all I have gotten is 7 hours and 5 mins of sleep for a total of 4 days hahah! Today i also joined this thing called D-crew and its when a group of students sit together at all the sporting events and we get all spirited out and hype everyone up its awesome. At first I was so bummed about not going to BYU but now i know im suppose to be here at DIXIE i just love it! I have so much to tell you guys but i actually have to go but i promise when i can update i will and pictures are coming soon! Bye guys!
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