This is a picture of Me, Ashley, Kelsey,Rachel, Katie, and Sara! We went to this drink place called Swig, its sooooooooo good like they have the best sugar cookies and the best drinks! When I go I get Dr. Pepper with coconut aka dirty Dr.Pepper. We went there after doing dorm storms. Dorm Storm: When student government goes to the off campus living and keeps them informed about all the events that are going on at dixie!

This Is a picture of Kelsey,Rachel, and I at freshmen Friday! We defs looked so saucy, that was such a good day. That night we had a splash party were we go to play in the fountain and there was a huge slip and slide and free food it was way fun!

There are pictures of us on Friday night! We kinda just made our own fun that night, we were just hanging out and decided we needed to marry the night haha and get out the dorm. So we decided to go to Target, and the Dollar Tree and only spend one dollar on a cool item at each store because you know we are ballin on a budget haha it was way fun. Then at Midnight we picked up Hunger Games for jill and watched it!
Meet Tanner Forbes! He is one of the coolest guys I know. I seriously love him he is sooo funny and so fun! He is also way talented, he can sing and act and play piano. He's 16 SO he can date ladies ;) hahah! We stopped by his house to pick up a book rachel needed for school luckily shay (tanners bother on a mission) had one for her so we were able to see Tanner that was so nice!

There are pictures from THE BEST NIGHT I EVER HAD AT DIXIE SO FAR! We party Hardy for the back to school costume party! It was sooooo much fun we all dressed up at jocks with our D crew shirts and a couple people like ashley, her friend, and katie were nerds it was seriously one of the best parties I have EVER been to!