*Piece Number Ten*
So I started to pack and clear out junk out of both rooms...OH MY LANTA I can not believe the amount of crap that has been piling up in my room for the past couple years. Packing for college is extremely stressful and over whelming. I didn't realize what a big job it would be, so far I used four plastic bins just to hold my clothes from my moms house!
This is what my room looked like at my moms house, As you can see I took on way to many jobs at once. I decided to go through everything and decide what I want and don't want, I decided to see what college stuff I have and make a list and last I decided to start packing. Lucky 3 hours and 3 bags latter I was able to make it took manageable ahah.
Going through my college bin I found out I have a decent amount of stuff to start off with but there's still a lot of things I am missing
This is my college bin even though you can't see everything there's actually a lot in there, it contains:
3 power aids
white bord
pack of travel bottels
wireless mouse
7 sponges
4 tooth brushes
a box of bounce
2 packs of pens
3 air freshners
2 packs of Q-tips
on the go planner
2 face washes
5 packs of tooth paste
10pack of razors
first aid kit
1 thing of shampoo/ conditioner
3 romans
wet whips
2 packs of tide pods
mesh laundry bag
chap stick
facial cloths
16 gb usb
5 body wash
3 shaving creams
pack of hair ties
12 pack wash cloths
bathroom catty
No I would say that's a pretty good start. Today at my dads house 2 hours and 3 bags latter I was able to go through all the crap I don't want it's becoming crunch time.